First Post! Time Management
Welcome! I am glad that everyone is here. Before we get into the first post I want to explain a little about what I hope to do here with my blog. My aim is to help you with the things in life that you wish they would have taught you in school. Things such as social graces, finances, and the overall ins and outs of life. Because, unfortunately, life does not come with a handbook. Learning from others, while may only serve as a guideline and not a direct path, will certainly help. Let’s start with Time Management. With this being the first post, I feel that it is only…
Using a Planner to Manage YOUR Time
It is your time and you deserve to make the most of it. Plan it, and make it happen! You want to travel, plan it for it. Want to make more money, plan it for it! You want to get in better shape, PLAN FOR IT! Using a planner to help you plan for what you need to get done allows you to have more time to plan for what you WANT to do! Many people consider using a planner to be boring, but I know that if you try my suggestions you will be getting more out of your time and planner! What I Do for a Planner… I…