Life Lessons,  Work Skills

Dancing! Why your career depends on it!

It does not matter what profession you are in. Whether it be the stocks and everyone goes out for drinks at an upscale club. Or you could be in sales, and your client wants to meet at the local big band night club. Or even as simple as you get invited to a co workers wedding. Regardless of the reason, you will find yourself on the dance floor at some point in your professional career. It would help if you knew the basics while you were dancing. (If you are saying that you do not have time to take dance lessons, read my blog on time management: How to get YOUR time back!)

Dancing, at the beginning. was so I didn’t look like a complete fish out of water! I had never learned to keep rhythm with anything in my life. I was (still am) the most uncoordinated and clumsy person on this beautiful planet! But I wanted to get better, I wanted to be able to not make a fool of myself at weddings, parties, and clubs. More importantly, I wanted to be out on the dance floor and be able to participate. So I called up the local studio and started!!

The ability to dance, or at least do the basics, is becoming more rare with every year that passes. We have gotten away from a true dancing culture. It is no longer being taught in families or is considered a fun thing to do. But to have the ability to dance through a song and keep pace with the rhythm is something that is impressive today. Especially for the males reading this! If you can do the minimum you will leave an impression on everyone in the room. You will be remembered and you will be talked about when planning the next function. This skill is something that will really help you with your career.

Dancing – Great for your health too!

Also, for your personal health, dancing is a wonderful exercise. It is truly a great exercise to help get the heart pumping and to aid in your health goals. What better way to help both your career and your health!

You do not have to become good enough to be on “Dancing with the Stars”. I am not good, heck I am not even mediocre, but I can keep up. I practice and take classes. Do not be scared at taking classes, many adults take classes to get exposure to dancing for the first time. Find your nearest studio and get involved, your career and health will be happy you did.