One Tree Hill
Nerd Moments And Travel

“I don’t want to be anything other than what I’ve been trying to be lately”

Just hearing that makes you think of One Tree Hill! What other show makes you feel like you are a part of the show, that you know the characters like you know your best friends. What other show builds such a sense of community with it’s audience. One Tree Hill makes you laugh and cry but when it is over you will be all the better for the ride!

I admit, and it’s going to be blasphemy, I did not watch One Tree Hill until it was on Netflix. (Insert gasp!). (Now on Hulu, shame on you Netflix) I grew up with it, the pilot aired when I was a teenager. I did not watch it for whatever reason, which is sad because it was filmed in Wilmington NC, not that far from where I lived.

What Makes One Tree Hill Great

Where to start? The cast is excellent, the writing is phenomenal, and the location is beautiful. The show gives you hope and inspires you to be great. It provides you an experience that you feel like you can relate to regardless of your age or gender. It covers all the aspects of life, from trying to fit in with high school to trying to balance work in the later seasons. Lucas, Nathan, Brooke, Haley, Peyton, Keith, Dan, and all the characters have something powerful that you can identify with and learn from. Can’t you still hear Uncle Keith now “It gets better!” or Lucas telling Peyton “It’s You! When all my dreams come true, the one I want next to me….. It’s you!”.

EyeCon One Tree Hill Convention

As a One Tree Hill fan we are incredibly lucky to have a great convention that is held in Wilmington! You MUST check out the One Tree Hill Convetion by Eyecon! Ever wanted to meet the stars or connect with other One Tree Hill fans that you can share your experience with? Eyecon puts on a fantastic convention that is organized, well run, and amazing exposure to the stars of the show. Eyecon also builds such an inclusive community and all the staff is wonderful at what they do. We are fortunate to have Eyecon and all the stars keeping the One Tree Hill spirit alive! Check out there website for the next Convention: Eyecon Website. Follow Eyecon on Twitter for all the latest information: @Eyecon3000.

Visit Tree Hill

One Tree Hill was filmed in the beautiful city of Wilmington in North Carolina. I recommend that you go and visit, it is a must do for any One Tree Hill fan. Visit the filming locations and you will see, even to this day, messages from fans from all over the world! If you are making a trip, check out this article by The Odyssey Online for all the filming locations that you must see including the Lucas’s House, Karens Cafe, Tric and so much more! Also be sure to check out Caitlin J Hill who designs beautiful One Tree Hill works of art. They would make for excellent gifts for someone or maybe a gift for yourself! Caitlin is a NC Native, the state the show was filmed in. Check them out: CaitlinJHill Designs