• Live Debt Free

    How to Live Debt Free

    Live Debt Free I am no fan of debt, I have written about how and why debt can bury you, if you let it, in this blog post. But learning to Live Debt Free is not easy, nor does it get any easier over time. It will take work to become debt free and you have to constantly work at staying debt free. But it can be done and you can do it! I want you to imagine though, for a moment, that you no longer have to sweat about checks clearing or how you are going to purchase food.  Now let’s get that monkey off your back! Positive Cash…

  • One Tree Hill

    “I don’t want to be anything other than what I’ve been trying to be lately”

    Just hearing that makes you think of One Tree Hill! What other show makes you feel like you are a part of the show, that you know the characters like you know your best friends. What other show builds such a sense of community with it’s audience. One Tree Hill makes you laugh and cry but when it is over you will be all the better for the ride! I admit, and it’s going to be blasphemy, I did not watch One Tree Hill until it was on Netflix. (Insert gasp!). (Now on Hulu, shame on you Netflix) I grew up with it, the pilot aired when I was a…

  • Debt

    Debt – Why you must become debt free!

    Debt and Why It Slowly Crushes You! Debt is the worst possible thing you can do for your financial freedom. Debt crushes you in the form of little payments each month that stand like a road block preventing you from applying your payment towards your principle. Not only is it a roadblock, but it is a roadblock that gets bigger and bigger with everyday that passes! There are some things about debt that you need to understand. It’s All (mostly) About Percentages We get caught up in big numbers because they catch our eyes. We dismiss little numbers because they seem insignificant. But the most important thing about debt is,…

  • Keep your money

    Keep Your Money to Use it Now

    Keep your Money! “It is not how much money you make, It’s how much money you keep.” This powerful saying has stuck with me for a long time throughout my career. I believe most people are making more than they are actually taking home. Don’t you wish you had just 75 more dollars each paycheck? Good news is more than likely do, you just need to keep your money! Let me explain. First Things First! Assess your situation and call a CPA. I know that you probably use turbo tax or something a little cheaper, but for most people who are married, with two kids, and two jobs your tax…

  • dancing

    Dancing! Why your career depends on it!

    It does not matter what profession you are in. Whether it be the stocks and everyone goes out for drinks at an upscale club. Or you could be in sales, and your client wants to meet at the local big band night club. Or even as simple as you get invited to a co workers wedding. Regardless of the reason, you will find yourself on the dance floor at some point in your professional career. It would help if you knew the basics while you were dancing. (If you are saying that you do not have time to take dance lessons, read my blog on time management: How to get YOUR…

  • patience

    Work Skills You Need! Patience and A Good Attitude

    Ever wonder why some people seem to get ahead and be given opportunities before others? Why do some people always have the help of others without asking for it? It is simple, these individuals posses patience and a good attitude. Funny enough, neither patience nor a good attitude require any skill! Patience Sometimes things don’t work out. Occasionally things take a little longer. Every once in a while a co-worker needs to vent. Sometimes you just need to stay calm and find another way. I want you to take a moment and think about the major conflicts in your work place, some may be recent, and others maybe so problematic…

  • Time Management

    First Post! Time Management

    Welcome! I am glad that everyone is here. Before we get into the first post I want to explain a little about what I hope to do here with my blog. My aim is to help you with the things in life that you wish they would have taught you in school. Things such as social graces, finances, and the overall ins and outs of life. Because, unfortunately, life does not come with a handbook. Learning from others, while may only serve as a guideline and not a direct path, will certainly help. Let’s start with Time Management. With this being the first post, I feel that it is only…

  • Planner

    Using a Planner to Manage YOUR Time

    It is your time and you deserve to make the most of it. Plan it, and make it happen! You want to travel, plan it for it. Want to make more money, plan it for it! You want to get in better shape, PLAN FOR IT! Using a planner to help you plan for what you need to get done allows you to have more time to plan for what you WANT to do! Many people consider using a planner to be boring, but I know that if you try my suggestions you will be getting more out of your time and planner! What I Do for a Planner… I…