Dean Westin

Hello, I am Dean Westin. I have lived my life by the simple idea of go to school and then get a job. And if you work really hard and climb the ladder, then you will find success. While a portion of this is true, there is so much more to the journey than just punching the clock. But there are holes in that way of thinking that nobody seems to address and it leaves people wondering why are some successful and some just getting by? Why do some people seem to get so much more done than others? Why do some people seem to always be in control of their finances and others are not sure about where their money is going? Check out my Blog to get started!

My aim is not to sit here and teach you to make a million dollars or be the next Zuckerberg or Buffett. But to simply give you information that I have learned along the way that I believe you can benefit from. While no one can tell you exactly what to do -and why would you want them to – I hope that reading what has worked for me will get you thinking about how you can improve your life and advance your career. We will discuss topics of Life, Work, and Finance skills, and the occasional Nerd moments! If you have any questions, feel free to contact me through social media or sign up for my email list. Take care and be sure to get the most out of life that you can, we only have one time around!

Current Readings, Shows, and Movies!